"...Syndicated columnist George Will is an exception to the Washington rule. When he was asked by ABC’s This Week host Christiane Amanpour if he believed Obama’s bombing of Libya was the “right thing to do,” Will replied: “I do not. We have intervened in a tribal society, in a civil war. And we have taken sides in that civil war on behalf of a people we do not know or understand, for the purpose—not a vow, but inexorably our purpose—of creating a political vacuum by decapitating the government. Into that vacuum, what will flow we do not know and cannot know...”
Trying hard to hide on his decision to attack Libya, President Obama and his Democratic sycophants have done that which he has accused George W. Bush of doing, becoming bogged down in a war. Racing to the White house in 2008, he promised to end the war in Iraq, and the war in Afghanistan (in reality the same war). He has done neither, and has in fact attacked without the consent of the Congress, Libya. For what purpose? Thus far he has not arrived at a good reason. A onetime friend of Kadfi and now an enemy, he appears at a loss for what to do next. The White House rules of engagement has all but cut off the trigger fingers of the fighting men who are being placed in harms way. Other than blowing holes in the desert not much has come of this. Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi does not show a sign of coming out and so this president has violated the first of the principles of war, Objective. there is no objective in engaging in action in Libya.
This are the principles of war: ( I learned these in High School, in military Science. Some on may want to point these out to Mr Obama.
Objective – Direct every military operation toward a clearly defined, decisive and attainable objective.
The ultimate military purpose of war is the destruction of the enemy's ability to fight and will to fight. (Italics are mine)
Offensive – Seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Offensive action is the most effective and decisive way to attain a clearly defined common objective. Offensive operations are the means by which a military force seizes and holds the initiative while maintaining freedom of action and achieving decisive results. This is fundamentally true across all levels of war.
Mass – Mass the effects of overwhelming combat power at the decisive place and time. Synchronizing all the elements of combat power where they will have decisive effect on an enemy force in a short period of time is to achieve mass. Massing effects, rather than concentrating forces, can enable numerically inferior forces to achieve decisive results, while limiting exposure to enemy fire.
Economy of Force – Employ all combat power available in the most effective way possible; allocate minimum essential combat power to secondary efforts. Economy of force
is the judicious employment and distribution of forces. No part of the force should ever be left without purpose. The allocation of available combat power to such tasks as limited attacks, defense, delays, deception, or even retrograde operations is measured in order to achieve mass elsewhere at the decisive point and time on the battlefield. ...
Maneuver – Place the enemy in a position of disadvantage through the flexible application of combat power. Maneuver is the movement of forces in relation to the enemy to gain positional advantage. Effective maneuver keeps the enemy off balance and protects the force. It is used to exploit successes, to preserve freedom of action, and to reduce vulnerability. It continually poses new problems for the enemy by rendering his actions ineffective, eventually leading to defeat. ...
Unity of Command – For every objective, seek unity of command and unity of effort. At all levels of war, employment of military forces in a manner that masses combat power toward a common objective requires unity of command and unity of effort. Unity of command means that all the forces are under one responsible commander. It requires a single commander with the requisite authority to direct all forces in pursuit of a unified purpose. (he or she should have a rudimentary understanding of what the military is for. It is for breaking things, not passing out hamburgers.)
Security – Never permit the enemy to acquire unexpected advantage. Security enhances freedom of action by reducing vulnerability to hostile acts, influence, or surprise. Security results from the measures taken by a commander to protect his forces. Knowledge and understanding of enemy strategy, tactics, doctrine, and staff planning improve the detailed planning of adequate security measures.
Surprise – Strike the enemy at a time or place or in a manner for which he is unprepared. Surprise can decisively shift the balance of combat power. By seeking surprise, forces can achieve success well out of proportion to the effort expended. Surprise can be in tempo, size of force, direction or location of main effort, and timing. Deception can aid the probability of achieving surprise. ...
Simple – Prepare clear, uncomplicated plans and concise orders to ensure thorough understanding. Everything in war is very simple, but the simple thing is difficult. To the uninitiated, military operations are not difficult. Simplicity contributes to successful operations. Simple plans and clear, concise orders minimize misunderstanding and confusion. Other factors being equal, parsimony is to be preferred.
Shortly it will be 10 years since we began the War on Terror, which has end in sight. What shall we call the War in Libya? Obama's War?
here to see who it is exactly we have coupled ourselves.