Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The solution is obvious... to me.

Not content to just apologize to other countries while in other countries, the man-made-god has continued his year long Apology Tour, by telling the Mexican President the Arizona Law is "misdirected".

"...Because in the United States of America, no law-abiding person, be they an American citizen, a legal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like..." Barack Obama. I have never met a Mexican tourist.

The solution is obvious, for the Mexican Government to be appeased, to silence all of the Tea Parties, Obama will have to return Arizona to Mexico with an apology for Arizona having a higher standard of living.

President Obama today reaffirmed his backing for a new immigration reform bill but called Arizona's new law against illegal immigrants a "misdirected expression of frustration over our broken immigration system."

Speaking to reporters after meeting at the White House with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Obama said the law "has raised concerns in both of our countries" and that the administration is "taking a very close look" for any implications it might hold, especially for civil rights.

"Because in the United States of America, no law-abiding person, be they an American citizen, a legal immigrant, or a visitor or tourist from Mexico should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like," Obama said.

Obama also said the administration has devoted "unprecedented resources" in personnel and technology to secure the border and that "illegal immigration is down not up."


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