Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jesus image In a frying pan...

From time to time we are presented with this stuff... Jesus image in a frying pan, Jesus image in a grilled cheese, etc, ad nauseum. The media, can not react quick enough to such foolishness, but let something of substance appear and they are no where to be found...From the bones that may crush you comes this...

...An image of Jesus has appeared in burned bacon fat at the bottom of a frying pan, which is genuinely impressive and quite beautiful...

According to The Telegraph, 'Toby Elles, 22, made the discovery after burning the food when he fell asleep while cooking.' Speaking of the phenomenom, Mr Elles said, "I'm not going to scrub it clean though, just in case I get struck by lightning, it's going to take pride of place on a wall instead..."

Jesus in the bushes on eBay


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